11a. edición junio 2004     689 páginas $3,800

Las 1,548 empresas y grupos del país más grandes e internacionales (ventas de cuando menos diez millones de dólares) con información (en inglés) de interés internacional: principal ejecutivo, dirección, teléfonos, fax, dirección electrónica y página web (si tienen), giro NAICS (North American Industry Classification System), si está en bolsa (aquí o en los Estados Unidos), si tiene oficinas o inversiones en el extranjero o del extranjero, si es del gobierno; en muchos casos, también: año de fundación, ventas en millones de dólares, productos importados y exportados, miembros del consejo, empresas afiliadas. Seis índices: por nombre de la empresa (y de sus filiales, y de las extranjeras relacionadas); por giro NAICS; por productos importados; por productos exportados; por localización geográfica; por apellido del principal y de los miembros del consejo. Se publica desde 1992. © Copyright 2004 ISBN 968-5097-98-4


1,548 Mexican Corporations with sales over US $ 10’000,000 are listed in alphabetical order. Six indexes help to find them by:

-    Name of corporation, key words in its name, ticker symbol, usual name and name of foreign and Mexican companies related to it (pages 437-601).

-    North American Industry Classification System code (pages 603-612). NAICS superseded SIC.

-    Products exported (pages 613-633).

-    Products imported (pages 635-665).

-    Geographic location: headquarters and foreign offices (pages 667-674).

-    Name of members of the board and chief executive officer (pages 675-722).

We contacted every corporation listed (and many more that did not qualify). All listings are free of payment. The fuller ones come from the more open and international companies. Exports and imports are given only for those exporting or importing at least US $ 1’000,000 a year. The shorter listings are not necessarily smaller companies. Many important Mexican corporations would rather opt out than reporting their sales, export and import figures.

Parent and holding companies normally centralize international operations. We include subsidiary companies as separate entries only when they are  in charge of their own foreign operations, exporting or importing at least US $ 1’000,000 a year.

Please note:

-    Addresses, phones, faxes and e-mails refer to the chief executive officer at the headquarters.

-    Some figures and information come from press clippings.

-    “Relations with” foreign companies may include total or partial ownership by the foreign company, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, licences, technology and management contracts, distribution arrangements, etc.

-    “Foreign investments” and “Foreign offices” are those hold in other countries by Mexican corporations.

We err more on the side of inclusions than exclusions. Perhaps up to 10% of the smaller corporations should be excluded. Perhaps less than 5% of the bigger ones are missing. This is a break down of the corporations included:

              Mexican corporations with sales,

              billings, premiums or assets over                US $      10  billion                 12             12
                                                                              US $        1  billion                 79             91
                                                                              US $    100  million              354           445
                                                                              US $      10  million           1,103         1,548

Research concluded in June, 2004.


1.            Ing. Macario Medina González                                                     Tel. 58 39 17 15, 58 39 26 04
Director General                                                                             Fax 58 39 17 15
ABARROTES EL CAÑÓN, S.A. DE C.V.                                        Established 1999
Nave D, Bod. 406                                                                            NAICS 42269 Detergent Wholesalers
Col. Santa Cruz
55060 Ecatepec, Méx.
RFC ACA990503 480

2.            Ing. Arturo Vargas Cruz                                                                  Tel. (81) 83 68 14 00 Ext. 1402,
Director General                                                                             83 68 14 01 & 02
ABA SEGUROS, S.A. DE C.V.                                                        Fax (81) 83 69 11 17
Montes Rocallosos 505 Sur                                                         Mexico City: 53 22 80 00
Col. Residencial San Agustín                                            
66260 San Pedro Garza García, N.L.                               
RFC ABA920310 QW0                                                                   Established 1958
                                                                                                           NAICS 5241 Insurance Carriers
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Mexican affiliates: General Motors de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.

3.            Lic. Jesús Federico Martínez Villegas                                        Tel. (81) 83 54 83 45 & 46, 83 54 83 57 & 59,
Gerente General                                                                             83 54 83 74, 83 54 83 48 Ext. 102
ABASTECEDORA DE SOLDADURA Y                                          Fax (81) 83 54 83 85
HERRAJES, S.A. DE C.V. (ASH)                                          
Mier y Noriega 304 Nte.                                                                 http://
Centro                                                                                               Established 1987
67100 Guadalupe, N.L.                                                                 NAICS 332321 Metal Window & Door Mfg
RFC ASH870529 G6A

4.            Arq. Luis Méndez Jiménez Izquierdo                                          Tel. 54 90 65 00, 54 90 66 00 Ext. 6511
Director General                                                                             Fax 54 90 65 82
ABASTECEDORA LUMEN, S.A. DE C.V.                            
Toluca 81                                                                                         Established 1961
Col. Olivar de los Padres                                                              NAICS 42212 Stationery & Office Supplies
01780 México, D.F.                                                                         Wholesalers
RFC ALU830902 ST5

Mexican affiliates: Hiperlumen Puebla, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.; Lumen Morelia, S.A. de C.V.

5.            Ing. Armando Basave Carbajal                                                    Tel. 53 28 14 00 Ext. 7474, 53 28 74 74
Presidente y Director General                                                      Fax 53 28 74 73
ABB MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V. (ABB)                                      
Blvd. Centro Industrial 12                                                              Established 1947
Col. Los Reyes Zona Industrial                                                   NAICS 333412 Industrial & Commercial Fan &
54073 Tlalnepantla, Méx.                                                              Blower Mfg
RFC AME920102 SS4                                                                   NAICS 333415 AC/Warm Air Htg & Commercial           Refrig Equip Mfg
                                                                                                           NAICS 335312 Motor & Generator Mfg
                                                                                                           NAICS 333994 Industrial Process Furnace &               Oven Mfg
Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Furnaces & Ovens (Parts for Industrial); Fans (Industrial).
Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Steel Plates; Electrical Components; Switches; Circuit Breakers; Contacts; Relays; Electronic Parts.
Relations with: Asea Brown Boveri, Inc. (Switzerland)

6.            Sr. Roberto Reyes Cabrera                                                          Tel. 57 26 46 00 Ext. 4001
Gerente General                                                                             Fax 57 26 46 01
Coyoacán 1622                                                                               Established 1934
Col. del Valle                                                                                   NAICS 325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg
03100 México, D.F.
RFC ALM840308 11A

Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Medicines & Medical Care Supplies.
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Laboratory Equipment & Supplies; Medical Raw Materials.
Relations with: Abbott Laboratories (USA)

7.            Sr. Francisco Pérez Moreno                                                         Tel. (81) 83 53 70 00, 83 53 75 72,
Director General                                                                             83 53 76 25 Ext. 248, 83 30 01 31
ACABADOS AUTOMOTRICES, S.A. DE C.V. (AASA)                Fax (81) 83 50 61 54
Diego Díaz de Berlanga 251                                              
Fracc. Industrial Nogalar                                                     
66480 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.                                       Established 1987
RFC AAU870601 N58                                                                    NAICS 32551 Paint & Coating Mfg
                                                                                                           NAICS 32552 Adhesive Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Butyrate Acetate; Oil Wax; Polarocid; Q. Cel 300; Pigments (Red and Yellow).
Relations with: Auto Flex Inc. (USA)
Mexican affiliates: Automotivos, S.A. de C.V.

8.            Ing. Gustavo Segura Fonseca                                                     Tel. 59 72 35 20 Ext. 207, 208
Director General                                                                             Fax 59 72 14 35
ACABADOS FINOS INDUSTRIALES,                                  
S.A. DE C.V. (AFSA)                                                                        Established 1958
Ferrocarril Norte 3                                                                          NAICS 332721 Precision Turned Product Mfg
Col. Jardín Industrial Ixtapaluca
56530 Ixtapaluca, Méx.

Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Hemex, S.A. de C.V.

9.            Sr. Eloy Santiago Vallina Lagüera                                               Tel. (614) 4 18 62 62 Ext. 227, 4 11 16 06
Presidente                                                                                       Fax (614) 4 18 89 34
ACCEL, S.A. DE C.V.                                                             
Zarco 2401                                                                             
Col. Zarco                                                                                         Established 1979
31020 Chihuahua, Chih.                                                               NAICS 551112 Offices of Other Holding
RFC ACC790109 I44                                                                     Companies

Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Imports range US $ 1-10 million a year: Raw Materials; Machinery; Production Supplies (Parts).

Foreign investments
: Precision Tool, Die & Machine Company, Inc. (USA); Tropical Sport Wear International, Inc. (USA)
Foreign offices: Tampa, FL (USA); New York, NY (USA).
Mexican affiliates: Accel Comercial, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Distribución, S.A. de C.V.; Accel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.; Almacenadora Accel, S.A.; Comercial Aérea, S.A.; Elamex Internacional, S.A. de C.V.; Elamex, S.A. de C.V.; Exvamex, S.A. de C.V.

in the Mexican Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ACCELSA
Board of Directors: Sr. Eloy Santiago Vallina Lagüera (Chairman), Sr. Alberto Núñez Peña (Comisario), Sr. Carlos Gerardo
Hernández Rodarte (Secretary), Sr. Juan de Dios Fernández P., Sr. Fernando Pérez Pría, Sr. Fernando Ruiz Sahagún, Sr. Richard Spencer, Sr. Eloy Vallina Garza, Sr. Jesús Enrique Vallina Lagüera

10.          C.P. Eugenio Kuri Monterrubio                                                    Tel. 52 84 73 00 Ext. 7456, 52 84 74 56
Director General                                                                             Fax 52 84 73 01
ACCENTURE, S.C.                                                                 
Manuel Ávila Camacho 138, piso 7                                  
Col. Lomas de Chapultepec                                                        Established 1990
11000 México, D.F.                                                                         NAICS 541611 Admin & Gen Management Consulting
RFC ACC901031 1S6                                                                   Services

Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Listed in the New York Stock Exchange; ticker symbol: ACN

11.          C.P. Enrique Azuara y Montero                                                     Tel. (722) 2 65 65 00 Ext. 6530
Director General                                                                             Fax (722) 2 65 65 00 Ext. 6502
ACCO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V.                                                    Mexico City: 15 00 57 00
Circuito de la Industria Norte 6                                          
Parque Industrial Lerma                                                     
52000 Lerma, Méx.                                                                         Established 1964
RFC AME640229 1W3                                                                   NAICS 322233 Stationery, Tablet & Related
                                                                                                           Product Mfg
Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Exports range US $ 1-10 million a year: School and Office Articles.
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: School and Office Articles.
Relations with: Acco World Corp. (USA)
Mexican affiliates: Acco Brands; Acco Nogales, S.A. de C.V.

12.          Lic. Quaug Chinh Nguyen                                                             Tel. 52 62 88 00 Ext. 8811
Director General                                                                             Fax 52 55 45 39
Lago Rodolfo 29                                                                   
Col. Granada                                                                                   Established 1981
11520 México, D.F.                                                                         NAICS 56199 Store Coupon Issuers
RFC ASE930924 SS7

Relations with: Accor (France)
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Accor

13.          Lic. Alejandro Jiménez Robert                                                     Tel. (33) 38 80 38 80
Director General                                                                             Fax (33) 38 80 38 81
ACEITES, GRASAS Y DERIVADOS,                                              Mexico City: 53 90 04 22
S.A. DE C.V. (AGYDSA)                                                                  Established 1941
Vallarta 5106                                                                                   NAICS 311225 Fats & Oils Refining & Blending
Col. Juan Manuel Vallarta
45120 Zapopan, Jal.
RFC AGD811217 HS7

Imports range US $ 100-999 million a year: Oil Seeds.
Mexican affiliates: Grupo Industrial Aceitera; Distribuidora Soba, S.A.; Industrial Patrona, S.A. de C.V.; Maquiladora de Oleaginosas, S.A. de C.V.

14.          Ing. Mario Teuffer                                                                            Tel. 59 99 94 00 Ext. 9405
Director General                                                                             Fax 59 99 94 60
ACER COMPUTEC MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.                         
Berruguete 25                                                                       
Col. Nonoalco Mixcoac                                                                  Established 1989
03700 México, D.F.                                                                         NAICS 334111 Electronic Computer Mfg
RFC ACM980616 RZ1

Sales range US $ 100-999 million a year
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Computer Equipment, Programs, Accessories & Supplies; Cabinets; Integrated Circuits.
Relations with: Computec America International, Inc. (USA)
Foreign investments: Acer Argentina, S.A. (Argentina); Acer Computer Colombia, S.A. (Colombia); Acer de Venezuela, S.A. (Venezuela); Acer Latin America, Inc. (USA); Acer Perú, S.A. (Peru); Hacer Chile (Chile); Acla do Brasil Ltda. (Brazil)
Mexican affiliates: Aurion Tecnología, S.A. de C.V.

15.          Ing. Juan Carlos Valladares García                                            Tel. (444) 8 24 53 53 Ext. 206
Director General                                                                             Fax (444) 8 24 64 51
ACEROS SAN LUIS, S.A. DE C.V.                                       
Eje 114 # 440                                                                        
Zona Industrial                                                                                Established 1966
78090 San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.                                                     NAICS 331222 Steel Wire Drawing
ASL660401 B99

Sales range US $ 10-99 million a year
Imports range US $ 10-99 million a year: Steel Shaping Machinery (Parts).
Mexican affiliates: Abastecedora Siderúrgica, S.A.; Acero Transporte, S.A.; Aceros DM, S.A.; Grupo San Luis


Numbers at the left mark the Mexican corporations included, with their full name in capital letters, in bold type. The names are repeated by key words in normal type. Also listed are abbreviations and ticker symbols: numbers at the right refer to the entries. Foreign companies related to them, foreign investments by them and Mexican affiliates are listed with the reference number at the right.

Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages


                                      AAI Joske's, S. de R.L. de C.V.: 894 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      AASA: 7

                         1         ABARROTES EL CAÑÓN, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Abarrotes Sahuayo, S.A.: 633 (Mexican affiliate)

                         2         ABA SEGUROS, S.A. DE C.V.

                         3         ABASTECEDORA DE SOLDADURA Y HERRAJES, S.A. DE C.V.

                         4         ABASTECEDORA LUMEN, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Abastecedora Siderúrgica, S.A.: 15 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      ABB: 5

                         5         ABB MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                         6         ABBOTT LABORATORIES DE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Abbott Laboratories (USA): 6 (Relations with)

                  1433         ABC, HOSPITAL

                     850         ABEJA", S.A. DE C.V., INGENIO DE CASASANO "LA

                                      AB Group: 1336 (Mexican investment)

                                      Abitibi Consolidated, Inc. (Canada): 1449 (Relations with)

                                      Abra Corp. (Grand Cayman): 482 (Mexican investment)

                     308         ABRASIVOS, S.A. DE C.V., COMPAÑÍA NACIONAL DE

                         7         ACABADOS AUTOMOTRICES, S.A. DE C.V.

                         8         ACABADOS FINOS INDUSTRIALES, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Acabados Kodiak, S.A. de C.V.: 206 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Acabados Textiles de Toluca, S.A.: 134 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1538         ACAPULCO, S.A. DE C.V., YOLI DE

                                      Accel Comercial, S.A. de C.V.: 9 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accel Comercial, S.A. de C.V.: 71 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accel Distribución, S.A. de C.V.: 9 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accel Distribución, S.A. de C.V.: 71 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      ACCELSA: 9

                       71         ACCEL, S.A., ALMACENADORA

                         9         ACCEL, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Accel, S.A. de C.V.: 71 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.: 9 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accel Servicios, S.A. de C.V.: 71 (Mexican affiliate)

                       10         ACCENTURE, S.C.

                                      Acciones y Valores de México, S.A. de C.V.: 651 (Mexican affiliate)

                     564         ACCIÓN, S.A. DE C.V., G.

                                      Acco Brands: 11 (Mexican affiliate)

                       11         ACCO MEXICANA, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Acco Nogales, S.A. de C.V.: 11 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Accor (France): 12 (Relations with)

                       12         ACCOR SERVICIOS EMPRESARIALES, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Acco World Corp. (USA): 11 (Relations with)

                                      Aceitera del Golfo, S.A. de C.V.: 748 (Mexican affiliate)

                     799         ACEITERA, S.A. DE C.V., INDUSTRIAL

                       13         ACEITES, GRASAS Y DERIVADOS, S.A. DE C.V.

                     507         ACEITES LA CENTRAL, S.A. DE C.V., FÁBRICA DE

                       65         ACEITES MEXICANOS, S.A. DE C.V., ALGODONES Y

                                      Acer Argentina, S.A. (Argentina): 14 (Mexican investment)

                       14         ACER COMPUTEC MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Acer Computer Colombia, S.A. (Colombia): 14 (Mexican investment)

                                      Acer de Venezuela, S.A. (Venezuela): 14 (Mexican investment)

                     604         ACERERO DEL NORTE, S.A. DE C.V., GRUPO

                                      Acerex, S.A. de C.V.: 567 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Acerex, S.A. de C.V.: 780 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Acerinox (Spain): 1436 (Relations with)


                                      Yacatex Internacional, S.A. de C.V.: 606 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1535         YALE DE MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                  1536         YALE SECURITY MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Yale Security Products (USA): 1536 (Relations with)

                                      Yale Security, S.A. de C.V.: 981 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Yamaka China Co. (China): 677 (Mexican investment)

                  1085         YAMAL, S.A. DE C.V., NUEVA

                     565         YAMAZAKI RUIZ URQUIZA, S.C., GALAZ

                                      Yávaros Industrial, S.A. de C.V.: 665 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Yazaki (Japan): 105 (Relations with)

                     435         YBARRA, S.A. DE C.V., DISTRIBUIDORA

                                      YCC Marketing Co. Inc.: 677 (Mexican investment)

                     982         YEDID, S.A. DE C.V., MANUFACTURAS

                                      Yellowstone Service Inc. (USA): 1261 (Mexican investment)

                  1537         YESERA MONTERREY, S.A.

                  1538         YOLI DE ACAPULCO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Yoplait Yogurt (USA): 1353 (Relations with)

                                      York International, Corp. (USA): 1539 (Relations with)

                  1539         YORK INTERNATIONAL, S.A. DE C.V.

                  1322         YORK LIFE, S.A. DE C.V., SEGUROS MONTERREY NEW

                     975         YOUNG, MANCERA ERNST &

                                      Young & Rubicam, Inc. (USA): 1540 (Relations with)

                  1540         YOUNG & RUBICAM, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.

                  1349         YUCATÁN, S.A., SIDERÚRGICA DE


                                      Zadok, S.A. de C.V.: 830 (Mexican affiliate)

                     678         ZAGA, S.A. DE C.V., GRUPO INDUSTRIAL

                                      Zagis, S.A. de C.V.: 678 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Celaya, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Centro Camionero, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1541         ZAPATA ENVASES, S.A. DE C.V.

                  1339         ZAPATA, GRUPO

                                      Zapata Guadalajara, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Hermanos Sucs., S.A. de C.V.: 1339 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1542         ZAPATA HERMANOS SUCS., S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Zapata Monterrey, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Motors, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Pachuca, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zapata Querétaro, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1543         ZAPATA, S.A.

                     856         ZAPATA, S.A. DE C.V., INGENIO EMILIANO

                  1339         ZAPATA, S.A. DE C.V., SERVICIOS CORPORATIVOS

                                      Zapata Tulancingo, S.A. de C.V.: 1543 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1544         ZAPATOTECA, S.A. DE C.V.

                       74         ZARAGOZA, S.A. DE C.V., ALMACENES

                  1545         ZARA MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Zatex Hi, S.A. de C.V.: 678 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1072         ZEALAND MILK MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V., NEW

                                      Zekie, S.A. de C.V.: 911 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      ZF Sachs A.G. (Germany): 1546 (Relations with)

                  1546         ZF SACHS SUSPENSIÓN MÉXICO, S.A. DE C.V.

                                      Zincacero, S.A. de C.V.: 260 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zincacero, S.A. de C.V.: 728 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zincacero, S.A. de C.V.: 1464 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      Zinc de México, S.A. de C.V.: 695 (Mexican affiliate)

                       86         ZINC INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V., ALUMINIO Y

                                      Zinc Nacional, S.A.: 1537 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1547         ZINC NACIONAL, S.A.

                                      Zintacero, S.A. de C.V.: 1464 (Mexican affiliate)

                                      ZUCARMEX: 791

                                      Zucrum Internacional, S.A. de C.V.: 791 (Mexican affiliate)

                  1548         ZURICH COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS, S.A.

                                      Zurich Financial Services (Switzerland): 1548 (Relations with)

                                      Zurich Vida Compañía de Seguros, S.A.: 1548 (Mexican affiliate)


Numbers at the left are North American Industry Classification System codes.

Numbers at the right refer to the corporations in that field

NAICS supersedes SIC (Standard Industrial Classification)

as the new system used by the United States, Canada and Mexico since 1997.

Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages



                   111199     All Other Grain Farming: 1042

                   111219     Other Vegetable (exc Potato) & Melon Farming: 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 51,

                                      53, 281, 282, 408, 992, 1085, 1193, 1380, 1481

                   11131       Orange Groves: 812

                   111419     Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover: 173

                   112111     Beef Cattle Ranching & Farming: 52

                   11221       Hog & Pig Farming: 52

                   11231       Chicken Egg Production: 52

                   11234       Poultry Hatcheries: 193, 878, 1198

                   11239       Other Poultry Production: 809, 1160, 1473

                   112512     Shellfish Farming: 54, 672

                   112519     Other Animal Aquaculture: 693

                   115116     Farm Management Services: 1368




                   211111     Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction: 1152, 1154

                   211112     Natural Gas Liquid Extraction: 1153

                   212111     Bituminous Coal & Lignite Surface Mining: 998, 1030

                   21221       Iron Ore Mining: 249, 334, 938

                   212221     Gold Ore Mining: 306, 695, 834, 1299

                   212222     Silver Ore Mining: 306, 695, 834, 1299

                   212231     Lead Ore & Zinc Ore Mining: 695, 834, 1032, 1547

                   212234     Copper Ore & Nickel Ore Mining: 695, 967

                   212299     All Other Metal Ore Mining: 305, 1039

                   212312     Crushed & Broken Limestone Mining & Quarrying: 310, 800

                   212321     Construction Sand & Gravel Mining: 800

                   212325     Clay & Ceramic & Refractory Minerals Mining: 692

                   212393     Other Chemical & Fertilizer Mineral Mining: 307, 503, 670




                   221            Utilities: 288, 963

                   221112     Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation: 1374

                   22121       Natural Gas Distribution: 274, 333, 570, 667, 1475




                   233            Building, Developing & General Contracting: 724, 1010

                   23311       Land Subdivision & Land Development: 169, 362, 418, 1140, 1359

                   23322       Multifamily Housing Construction: 331, 340, 372, 417, 427, 868, 970, 1304, 1489

                   23331       Mfg & Industrial Building Construction: 337, 339, 340, 356, 544, 679, 731,

                                      732, 907, 933, 1065, 1095, 1140, 1403

                   23332       Commercial & Institutional Bldg Construction: 82, 337, 341, 650, 970

                   234            Heavy Construction: 340

                   23411       Highway & Street Construction: 110, 111, 211, 328, 342

                   23412       Bridge & Tunnel Construction: 293, 338

                   23491       Water, Sewer & Pipeline Construction: 562

                   23493       Industrial Nonbuilding Structure Construction: 356, 497, 684, 785

                   23499       All Other Heavy Construction: 732, 1099

                   23531       Electrical Contractors: 587, 778, 1521

                   23551       Carpentry Contractors: 846

                   23561       Roofing, Siding & Sheet Metal Contractors: 217

              23581     Water Well Drilling Contractors: 343


Products are listed in alphabetical order, as reported by the corporations. Mexican corporations exporting them are given by their entry number, at the right. Exports by corporations not reporting their exports or exporting under one million dollars a year are excluded. See the NAICS Index to find other potential sources.

Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages


Abiadin: 181

Abrasives Paper Support Coat: 516

Abrasives Textile Support Coat: 516

Absorbent Cotton: 406

Acetaldehyde: 1154

Acetophenetidin Dihydroxiprogesterone: 181

Acetylsalicylic Acid: 136

Acids: 1375

Acrylic/Cotton NB Dyed: 414

Acrylic Fibers: 899

Acrylic Resins: 1269

Acrylic Sheet: 1172

Acrylic Tops: 899

Acrylic Tow: 899

Acrylic Yarn 100%, NB Dyed and Blends: 414

Acrylonitrile: 1154

Activated Carbon: 1250

Activated Fuller Earths for decolorations: 1384

Additives: 255

Adhesives: 185, 1064

Agricultural Chemicals: 157

Agricultural Implements: 1158

Agricultural Machinery: 1397

Agricultural Products: 441

Agrochemicals: 1411

Agroindustrial Products: 1175

Air Brakes: 1362

Air Conditioning Equipment: 226

Air Conditioning Units: 1519

Air Filters: 594

Alkyd Resin: 803

Alkyd Resins: 1269

Alloys: 1278

16 Alpha-Methyl-Dione-21-Acetate: 167

Alternators: 1283

Aluminium Heatshields: 222

Aluminum: 1278

Aluminum Bakeware: 458

Aluminum Circles: 1057

Aluminum Coils: 804

Aluminum Disk: 804

Aluminum Extrusions: 85, 1315

Aluminum Hydroxide: 136

Aluminum Ingot: 75

Aluminum Ladders: 668

Aluminum Oxide: 308

Aluminum Plates: 804

Aluminum Products, such as structural & commercial profiles: 717

Aluminum Profiles: 390, 717, 1057

Aluminum Specialties: 458

Aluminum Strips: 1057

Aluminum Sulfate: 802

Aluminum Tape: 1425

Aluminumware (Double Thick): 458

Amines (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): 1249

Ammonium Biflouride: 670

Ammonium Salts (Quaternary): 1249

Ammonium Sulfate: 1488

Amonium Bifluoride: 1345

Amyl Salicylate: 1398

Anhydrous Fluorhydric Acid: 802

Anhydrous Sodium Chromate: 1243

Antifrese: 594

Antimony Trioxide: 834

Antirust: 1249

Antiseptic Liquids (PVP-I): 406

Apparel: 139

Apple Juice: 1228

Aqueous Fluorhydric Acid: 802

Asphalt Emulsifiers: 1249

Audio Equipment: 1131

Auto Gasoline Caps: 664

Auto Handles: 664

Auto Hooter Mirrors: 664

Auto Interior Lights: 664

Auto Joints: 1432

Automatic Transmissions: 395

Auto Micas: 664

Automobile Accessories: 345, 461

Automobile Glass: 1517

Automobiles: 395

Automobile Spare Parts: 906

Automobiles & Trucks: 1077

Automotive and Heavy Duty: 594

Automotive Batteries: 668

Automotive Cable: 105

Automotive Finished Seats and Parts: 945

Automotive Parts: 759

Automotive Timing Chains: 184

Automotive Windshields and Tempered Parts: 384

Auto Parts: 63, 180, 396, 630, 969, 1505

Auto - Parts for Seats: 129

Auto Repairing shop, Equipment: 902

Auto Security Triangles: 664

Auto Tail Light: 664

Auto Unit Carrier: 664

Axle Hausings: 398

Axles: 1324

Axles (Front and Rear): 1362

Axle Shafts: 398




Xantate Sodium Isopropylic: 802


Yarns: 350, 678, 956, 979


Zinc: 695, 1547

Zinc and Alloys: 834

Zinc Chloride: 1376

Zinc Concentrate: 695, 1337

Zinc Oxide: 1376

Zinc Oxyde, Zinc Sulfate: 1547

Zinc Powder: 1376

Zinc Stearate: 416

Zirconium Oxide and Premium Grains: 308


Products are listed in alphabetical order, as reported by the corporations. Mexican corporations importing them are given by their entry number, at the right. Imports by corporations not reporting their imports or importing under one million dollars a year, or reporting very general concepts, are excluded.

Most Mexican corporations import equipment, machinery, spare parts, components and raw materials. For such unspecified imports, the NAICS Index is a better guide.

Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages


Abrasives: 981, 1075

AC.ES Eucaliptus Citriodora: 1398

Acetaminofen: 1006

Acetyl Cysteine: 1006

Acids: 616, 683, 1024, 1210, 1242

Acrilonitrile: 622

Acrylic Fiber: 886

Acrylic Resins: 1285

Acrylic Sheet: 491, 664

Acuaculture, Equipment & Consumibles: 672

Adhesives: 185, 284, 588, 1205

Adhesives - Raw Materials: 1460

Adipic Acid: 1274

Aditives: 504, 1216, 1347

Advertising: 595, 1422

Aerocars: 30

Aerosil-200: 407

Aerosil-380: 407

Aerosol Containers & Parts: 1311, 1480

Afranil: 157

Agricultural Chemicals: 113

Agricultural Implements: 50, 809, 1368

Agricultural Machinery: 812, 849, 1473

Agrochemical Products: 50, 995, 1245, 1368

Air Conditioner: 394

Air Conditioning Equipment: 785, 1392, 1539

Air Conditioning Small Package Units 3-10 Tons: 226

Air Conditioning Supplies: 1539

Air Tanks: 560

Alclometasone: 1309

Alcohols: 285

Alitte: 161

Alloys: 316, 1400

Allylglycidil Ether: 1178

Alometasine Dipropionate: 1309

Alpha Cellulose: 622

Alternators: 816

Alumina: 308, 379

Alumina Based Products: 1315

Aluminum: 84, 180, 191, 222, 520, 589, 596, 630, 837, 997, 1216, 1450, 1542

Aluminum Alloys: 1315

Aluminum Billet (6, 7 and 8" 6063 Primary): 390

Aluminum Coils: 804

Aluminum Hydrate: 802

Aluminum Ingot: 668, 804

Aluminum Inks: 1058

Aluminum Moldings: 891

Aluminum Oxide: 75, 308

Aluminum P1020 or Sows (99.7% Pure Prime): 390

Aluminum Paste (non leafing): 285

Aluminum Powder: 1279

Aluminum Profiles: 390

Aluminum Rolled Sheets: 75

Aluminum Scrap: 63, 1069

Aluminum Sheet: 159, 386, 931, 1315

Aluminum Steel: 547

Aluminum-Steel Sheet: 1203

Aluminum Stripes: 196

Amines: 1273

Amines (Terciary): 1249

Amitriptilyne Hidrochlorhydrate: 1309

Ammonia: 1375

Ammonium Chloride: 1025

Ammonium Phosphate: 834

Ammonium Tiocianate Hidroxilamine Hcl: 532

Amoco 18: 88

Amoxiclav: 918

Amyl Alcohol: 1398

Analytic Equipment: 747

Aniline: 685

Anilines: 730, 935

Animal Feed: 672

Animal Feed Raw Materials: 138

Animal Oils: 1243

Anise: 1147





X-Ray Equipment: 30, 609

Xylene Butirate Acetate: 1268




Yarn: 1424

Yarn Raw Materials: 911

Yarns: 57, 90, 276, 730, 935, 1096, 1430, 1508

Yellow Soybean: 137




Zamac: 180

Zempasuchitl Flower Flour: 807

Zinc: 260, 1464

Zinc Chromate: 88

Zinc Concentrate: 834

Zinc Powder: 668, 987, 1517

Zircon Dioxide: 416

Zircon Sand: 416



Numbers refer to the Mexican corporations with foreign investments, foreign offices or headquarters at the location.

Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages


Argentina: 14, 149, 238, 270, 364, ...

Bolivia: 1519

Brazil: 14, 486, 548, 620, 668, 1416, 1519

Canada: 521, 547, 668, 918, 1380

Chile: 14, 362, 364, 451, 548, 620, ...

China: 677

Colombia: 14, 238, 364, 451, 455, 482, ...

Costa Rica: 455, 601, 674, 780, 964, 965 ...

Denmark: 918

Dominican Republic: 464

Ecuador: 20

El Salvador: 455, 464, 964, 965, 1296, ...

France: 1078

Germany: 576, 677, 725, 728, 1336

Grand Cayman: 482

Guatemala: 455, 464, 482, 548, 620, 668, ...

Holland: 434

Honduras: 464, 674, 760, 1336

Indonesia: 238

Nicaragua: 680

Panama: 238, 392, 482, 630, 1262

Peru: 14, 31, 548, 670, 722, 834, 964, 965, 1336, 1416

Philippines: 238

Puerto Rico: 593

Spain: 238, 446, 451, 482, 548, 620, 668, 722, 834, 918

United Kingdom: 149, 1153

United States of America: 9, 14, 36, 60, 83, 149, 169, 228, 238, 305, 331, 351, 353, 354, 361, 364, 390, ...

Uruguay: 1336

Venezuela: 14, 83, 238, 451, 482, 486, 548, 601, 668, 677, 964, 965, 1262, 1336


Ajax (Canada): 441

Almaty (Kazakhstan): 1529

Amberes (Belgium): 955

Amsterdam (Holland): 1008

Anaheim, CA (USA): 567

Anchorage (Alaska): 668

Ankara (Turkey): 1529

Atlanta, GA (USA): 147, 1031

Augsburg (Germany): 254

Bangkok (Thailand): 1529

Barcelona (Spain): 254, 668, 1008

Barranquilla (Colombia): 636

Belén de Escobar (Argentina): 668

Bell, CA (USA): 392

Bilbao (Spain): 254

Birmingham (UK): 254

Bogota (Colombia): 147, 392, 441, 482, 486, 548, 616, 636, ...

Bombay (India): 1529

Bonn (Germany): 147

Bordeaux (France): 254

Boston, MA (USA): 1008

Brazil (Brazil): 438

Bridgetown (Barbados): 874

Brownsville, TX (USA): 544, 830, 1031, 1436

Brussels (Belgium): 697, 1529

Budapest (Hungary): 1529

Buenos Aires (Argentina): 31, 147, 250, 254, 441, 482, 486, ...

Caen (France): 254

Cagua (Venezuela): 392

Calexico, CA (USA): 1359

Calgary (Canada): 254

Cali (Colombia): 636

Canada (Canada): 438

Caracas (Venezuela): 83, 147, 441, 482, 486, 548, 722, 964

Charlotte, NC (USA): 77, 498

Chicago, IL (USA): 147, 149, 303, 482, 1008, 1436

Cochabamba (Bolivia): 708

Colombia (Colombia): 438

Concord, NH (USA): 759

Cordoba (Argentina): 544

Corpus Christi, TX (USA): 1031

Dallas, TX (USA): 147, 392, 486, 567, 668, 812, 827, 997, 1436

Darien, CT (USA): 250

Denver, CO (USA): 259, 303

Detroit, MI (USA): 354, 984, 1008, 1047, 1299

Djakarta (Indonesia): 1529

Eagle Pass, TX (USA): 991

El Paso, TX (USA): 498, 614, 1359

Espartanburg, SC (USA): 392

Evansville, WI (USA): 668

Fontana, CA (USA): 668

Frankfurt, KY (USA): 149

George Town (Grand Cayman): 654

Ginebra (Switzerland): 441

Grand Cayman (Grand Cayman): 652

Guadalajara (Spain): 697

Guatemala (Guatemala): 147, 203, 441, 482, 668, 696, 874, 964

Hanoi (Vietnam): 1529

Harlingen, TX (USA): 544

Helsinki (Finland): 1529

Hong Kong (China): 147, 250, 1529

Houston, TX (USA): 77, 149, 482, 594, 689, 717, 770, 955, 1031, 1154, 1207

Indiana, IN (USA): 389

Indianapolis, IN (USA): 867

Istanbul (Turkey): 1529

Jiddah (Saudi Arabia): 1529

Johannesburg (South Africa): 1529

Kalama, WA (USA): 668

Kernsville, NC (USA): 668

Kingston (Jamaica): 1369

Kuala Lumpur (Malasia): 147, 482

La Havana (Cuba): 147

Laredo, TX (USA): 392, 544, 780, 1031, 1359, 1369

Lewisville, TX (USA): 668

Lima (Peru): 31, 548, 708, 737, 964

Lisboa (Portugal): 1008

Livonia, MI (USA): 1163

London (UK): 147, 149, 250, 254, 392, 441, 842, 1008, ...

London (USA): 1154

Los Angeles, CA (USA): 147, 149, 303, 392, 649, 722, 772, 1008, 1201, 1529

Los Indios, TX (USA): 544

Louisville, KY (USA): 390

Lyon (France): 254

Madrid (Spain): 147, 149, 254, 441, 482, 548, 658, 722, 1008

McAllen, TX (USA): 616, 812, 989

Medellin (Colombia): 636

Memphis, TN (USA): 668

Metz (France): 254

Miami, FL (USA): 147, 203, 303, 482, 1008, 1529

Milan (Italy): 147, 254, 1008

Milford, CT (USA): 759

Mision Viejo, CA (USA): 1359

Mississauga (Canada): 441

Montreal (Canada): 147, 254, 521, 697

Moscow (Russia): 441, 1529

Moscow, TN (USA): 668

Mt. Bethel, PA (USA): 668

Muleshoe, TX (USA): 696

New York, NY (USA): 9, 147, 149, 303, 652, 654, 659, 722, ...

Ontario (Canada): 254

Oporto (Portugal): 1008

Ottawa (Canada): 1369

Panama (Panama): 392, 482

Paris (France): 147, 149, 254, 441, 708, 1008, 1529

Pau (France): 254

Pine Bluff, AR (USA): 668

Pittsburg, PA (USA): 1503

Prague (Czechoslovakia): 1529

Prince George, VA (USA): 668

Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico): 438

Quito (Ecuador): 31, 482

Rainsville, AL (USA): 668

Rancho Cucamonga, CA (USA): 668

Red Oak, IW (USA): 696

Richmond, CA (USA): 668

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): 1299

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia): 1529

Sacramento, CA (USA): 668

Salem, OR (USA): 668

Salt Lake City, UT (USA): 668

San Antonio, TX (USA): 62, 83, 147, 259, 303, 521, 697, ...

San Diego, CA (USA): 548, 665

San Francisco, CA (USA): 303

San Jose (Costa Rica): 147, 392, 594, 616, 668, 697, 737, ...

San Jose, CA (USA): 303

San Juan (Puerto Rico): 482

San Salvador (El Salvador): 482, 498, 964

Santiago (Chile): 31, 147, 254, 482, 498, 548, 668, 780, ...

Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic): 482, 874

Sâo Paulo (Brazil): 31, 147, 149, 250, 254, 441, 486, 548, ...

Seoul (Korea): 147, 697

Shangai (China): 441

Singapore (Singapore): 149, 697, 1529

Smyrna, TN (USA): 390

Sorocaba (Brazil): 668

Spokane, WA (USA): 668

St. Joseph, MO (USA): 668

Stockholm (Sweden): 1529

Sydney (Australia): 441

Tacoma, WA (USA): 668

Taipei (Taiwan): 147, 441

Tampa, FL (USA): 9

Tegucigalpa (Honduras): 482, 874, 1369

Texas, TX (USA): 668

Thailand (Thailand): 438

The Hague (Holland): 147

Tokyo (Japan): 147, 149, 441, 1060, 1529

Toronto (Canada): 147, 149, 254, 668, 780

Troy, MI (USA): 1437

Tucson, AZ (USA): 654, 790

Turlock, CA (USA): 668

Valencia (Venezuela): 254, 486, 668

Van Horn, TX (USA): 1031

Van Vert, OH (USA): 668

Vancouver (Canada): 147

Venezuela (Venezuela): 438

Warsaw (Poland): 254, 1008, 1529

Washington, DC (USA): 722, 769, 874, 1060, 1529

Wilmington, DE (USA): 441

Zurich (Switzerland): 1008




1. Greater Mexico City and its region


Apizaco, Tlax.: 115

Atizapán de Zaragoza, Méx.: 522, 669, 1048, 1263, 1364, 1532

Atizapán, Méx.: 980

Atlacomulco, Méx.: 1255

Chalco, Méx.: 18

Coacalco, Méx.: 560

Corregidora, Qro.: 1184, 1354

Cuautitlán Izcalli, Méx.: 59, 447, 568, 804, 830, 913, 1078, ...

Cuautitlán, Méx.: 57, 1071

Cuautla, Mor: 850

Cuautla, Mor.: 345

Cuernavaca, Mor.: 84, 211, 212, 355, 838

Ecatepec, Méx.: 1, 75, 90, 167, 323, 326, 336, 384, 463, ...

Huejotzingo, Pue.: 715

Huixquilucan, Méx.: 26, 347, 380, 947, 986, 988, 1159

Ixtapaluca, Méx.: 8

Jiutepec, Mor.: 192, 590, 1480, 1501

Jocotitlán, Méx.: 173, 882

La Magdalena Tlaltelulco, Tlax.: 598

Lerma, Méx.: 11, 27, 585, 886, 1325

Los Reyes La Paz, Méx.: 56, 1094

Metepec, Méx.: 781

México, D.F.: 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 29,

Naucalpan, Méx.: 58, 81, 113, 185, 186, 247, 264, 276, 387, ...

Pachuca, Hgo.: 743

Pedro Escobedo, Qro.: 1241

Puebla, Pue.: 60, 85, 129, 130, 168, 440, 576, 645, 745, ...

Querétaro, Qro.: 45, 108, 268, 322, 798, 903, 915, 1160, 1204

Rafael Lara Grajales, Pue.: 1200

San Juan del Río, Qro.: 228, 917, 1170

San Martín Texmelucan, Pue.: 1257

San Miguel Almoloyán, Méx.: 1134

Santa Ana Chiautempan, Tlax.: 723

Santa Cruz Atizapán, Méx.: 818

Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Qro.: 191

Santiago Tianguistenco, Méx.: 396, 759, 1451

Tecámac, Méx.: 222, 554

Tehuacán, Pue.: 137, 1198

Tenango del Valle, Méx.: 984

Tepeji del Río, Hgo.: 678

Tepotzotlán, Méx.: 1003

Tetla, Tlax.: 481, 581

Teziutlán, Pue.: 1125

Tizayuca, Hgo.: 319

Tlalnepantla, Méx.: 5, 36, 61, 86, 88, 93, 103, 114, 170, ...

Toluca, Méx.: 78, 97, 134, 308, 309, 398, 671, 686, 739, ...

Tultitlán, Méx.: 94, 142, 156, 488, 490, 640, 749, 875, 919, ...

Villa Nicolás Romero, Méx.: 1528

Xalostoc, Méx.: 682

Zacatepec, Mor.: 856

Zinacantepec, Méx.: 909


2. Greater Monterrey, Nuevo León and Saltillo


Apodaca, N.L.: 102, 224, 399, 806, 841, 1001, 1017, 1031, ...

Cadereyta Jiménez, N.L.: 494

Ciénega de Flores, N.L.: 217, 545, 1055, 1456

El Carmen, N.L.: 1424

Escobedo, N.L.: 1207

García, N.L.: 1376

General Escobedo, N.L.: 1326, 1362, 1505

Guadalupe, N.L.: 3, 47, 221, 260, 788, 1209, 1323

Montemorelos, N.L.: 812

Monterrey, N.L.: 65, 69, 92, 189, 198, 201, 229, 235, 238,

Saltillo, Coah.: 259, 616, 677, 733, 967, 977, 1038, 1518

San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L.: 7, 21, 105, 119, 248, 279, ...

San Pedro Garza García, N.L.: 2, 63, 77, 140, 151, 305, ...

Santa Catarina, N.L.: 62, 214, 226, 236, 273, 337, 370, 559, ...

Villa de García, N.L.: 578, 795, 1069, 1405, 1517


3. Greater Guadalajara and Jalisco


Atenquique, Jal.: 312

Bellavista, Jal.: 289

El Salto, Jal.: 184, 746, 751, 762, 1072, 1249, 1491, 1546

Guadalajara, Jal.: 76, 99, 128, 182, 208, 316, 351, 375, ...

Lagos de Moreno, Jal.: 52, 1397

San Miguel El Alto, Jal.: 956

Tequila, Jal.: 1422

Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jal.: 46, 460, 1002, 1373

Tlaquepaque, Jal.: 215, 1453

Zapopan, Jal.: 13, 111, 239, 331, 376, 472, 569, 646, 688,


4. Other Locations


Acaponeta, Nay.: 1037

Acapulco, Gro.: 1538

Aguascalientes, Ags.: 414, 422, 556, 624, 878, 891, 1047, ...

Altamira, Tamps.: 706

Anáhuac, Chih.: 1180

Apaseo el Grande, Gto.: 807, 1514

Atoyac, Ver.: 854

Boca del Río, Ver.: 731, 1090

Caborca, Son.: 1368

Cancún, Q.R.: 1128, 1224

Carlos A. Carrillo, Ver.: 792

Castaños, Coah.: 847

Cd. Cardel, Ver.: 853

Cd. Frontera, Coah.: 485

Cd. Juárez, Chih.: 72, 169, 286, 419, 667, 868, 945, 1105, ...

Cd. Obregón, Son.: 1512

Cd. Valles, S.L.P.: 860, 861, 1459

Cd. Victoria, Tamps.: 1441

Celaya, Gto.: 100, 131, 175, 809, 1163

Chihuahua, Chih.: 9, 356, 614, 623, 734, 873, 877, 1102, ...

Coatzacoalcos, Ver.: 50, 267, 813

Colima, Col.: 166

Córdoba, Ver.: 200, 203

Cortázar, Gto.: 53, 281, 434

Cosolapa, Oax.: 855

Cuauhtémoc, Col.: 938

Culiacán, Sin.: 41, 42, 43, 44, 74, 233, 282, 357, 408, 417, ...

Durango, Dgo.: 249, 361, 551, 1161

Ensenada, B.C.N.: 520, 718, 1245

Fortín de las Flores, Ver.: 1388

Francisco I Madero, Nay.: 852

Gómez Palacio, Dgo.: 252, 489, 673, 816, 828, 1473

Guanajuato, Gto.: 306, 1503

Guasave, Sin.: 40

Guerrero Negro, B.C.S.: 503

H. Cárdenas, Tab.: 862

Hermosillo, Son.: 287, 410, 557, 693, 790, 1039, 1457

Huixtla, Chis.: 851

Irapuato, Gto.: 39, 300, 526, 588, 865, 992

Ixtaczoquitlán, Ver.: 631, 1214, 1400

Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Gro.: 768

Jesús María, Ags.: 1081

La Cruz Elota, Sin.: 48

La Paz, B.C.S.: 28, 245

La Piedad, Mich.: 937

Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich.: 675, 881

León, Gto.: 116, 144, 205, 206, 209, 301, 388, 431, 517, ...

Lerdo de Tejada, Ver.: 297

Lerdo, Dgo.: 1142

Los Mochis, Sin.: 51, 54, 67, 1202

Manzanillo, Col.: 334, 772

Matamoros, Tamps.: 1244

Matehuala, S.L.P.: 91

Mazatlán, Sin.: 294, 603, 1149

Mérida, Yuc.: 25, 110, 120, 275, 342, 429, 1212, 1349, ...

Mexicali, B.C.N.: 343, 510, 515, 707, 906, 1489

Monclova, Coah.: 1266

Morelia, Mich.: 258, 1248

Nacozari, Son.: 1021

Nava, Coah.: 1030

Navojoa, Son.: 68, 237, 1377

Navolato, Sin.: 791

Nueva Rosita, Coah.: 998

Nuevo Laredo, Tamps.: 1454

Pabellón de Arteaga, Ags.: 223

Parral, Chih.: 442

Paso del Macho, Ver.: 243

Pénjamo, Gto.: 558

Ramos Arizpe, Coah.: 969, 1247, 1279

Río Blanco, Ver.: 332

Sabinas, Coah.: 1342

Salamanca, Gto.: 1411

San Francisco de los Romo, Ags.: 354

San Francisco del Oro, Chih.: 1032

San Francisco del Rincón, Gto.: 1243

San Francisco Tutla, Oax.: 1234

San José Iturbide, Gto.: 514

San Luis Colorado, Son.: 1481

San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.: 15, 87, 172, 218, 307, 518, 802, ...

San Luis Río Colorado, Son.: 1380

San Quintín, B.C.N.: 1193

Santo Domingo Ingenio, Oax.: 1101

Tampico, Tamps.: 632, 721, 1438

Taretan, Mich.: 859

Tecomán, Col.: 475

Tenosique, Tab.: 141

Tepic, Nay.: 66, 474

Tijuana, B.C.: 240, 1526

Tijuana, B.C.N.: 49, 437, 625, 755

Torreón, Coah.: 155, 538, 833

Tuxtepec, Oax.: 519, 848

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis.: 280, 525

Umán, Yuc.: 138

Uruapan, Mich.: 801, 829

Venustiano Carranza, Chis.: 291

Veracruz, Ver.: 127, 597, 1188, 1223, 1466

Vicente, Oax.: 858

Villaflores, Chis.: 193

Xalapa, Ver.: 412, 628



Chief Executive officers are listed in alphabetical order, by last name. Numbers at the right refer to their corporation. The Mexican form of address includes the professional title (if any) before the last name, in the following way:


             Dear Ing. Abascal Camarillo

             Dear Lic. Aguilar Medrano

             Dear Dr. Baeza Sánchez

             Dear Sr. Barba Hurtado


Of course, you may simply use Dear Mr. Abascal, Mr. Aguilar. Or (in the other extreme) use the deferential Dear don Alberto, don Omar, don Felipe, with the first name. For the mail, we give the postal format in every entry.


Numbers refer
to entries not
to pages


Abascal Camarillo, Ing. Alberto : 481

Abáunza García, Ing. Alfredo : 437

Abdeljalek Carrasco, Sr. Alfredo : 362

Abed Rouanett, Ing. José Felipe : 1446

Abedrop Dávila, Sr. Carlos : 482

Abelleyra Cordero, Lic. Carlos : 1531

Abraham Mafud, L.A.E. Sergio Asís : 1393

Abraham Xacur, Lic. José Antonio : 1442

Acevedo Aburto, Lic. José Manuel : 1388

Acevedo Morga, Ing. Guillermo : 519

Acevedo Rivas, Lic. Alfredo : 658

Achar Tussie, Sr. Alfredo : 285

Adames, Sr. Carlos : 874

Agostini, Sr. Giano : 595

Agudo Roldán, Arq. José Manuel : 362, 758

Aguilar Álvarez Colunga, Sr. Guillermo : 261

Aguilar Bell, Sr. Luis G. : 701

Aguilar Medrano, Lic. Omar : 331

Aguilar Monteverde, Sr. Rubén : 420

Aguilar Romo, Sr. Marcos : 632

Aguilar Villalobos, Sr. Víctor : 1262

Aguilera Cabrero, Lic. Salvador : 882

Aguinaga Vázquez, Lic. Gerardo : 1382

Aguirre Borboa, Sr. Ricardo : 809

Aguirre Camacho, Ing. Héctor : 425

Aguirre Gómez, C.P. Adrián : 1000

Aguirre Gómez, Lic. Adriana : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Sra. Ana María : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Lic. Carlos : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Lic. Francisco : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Sr. José Manuel : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Lic. María Esther : 710

Aguirre Gómez, Lic. Rafael : 710

Aguirre Manrique, C.P. Francisco : 983

Aguirre Quintana, Ing. Jorge Bernardo : 482

Aguirre Valdez, Lic. Óscar : 475

Ahuet Lomelí, Sr. Roberto : 1261

Ahumada Aldúncin, Sr. Germán : 328

Ahumada Russek, Ing. Germán : 328

Ahumada Russek, Ing. Luis Felipe : 328

Aja Sainz, Lic. Rosendo : 273

Akermann, Sr. Markus : 760

Akle Fierro, Dr. José : 633

Alamillo Sotomayor, Sr. Jorge : 966

Alanís Rodríguez, Sr. Armando : 1036

Alarcón Osorio, Lic. Gonzalo : 1330

Alatriste Chavarín, Lic. Uriel : 761

Alavez González, Ing. José Manuel : 364

Albarrán Campillo, Sr. Manuel : 896

Albarrán Campillo, Sr. Ricardo : 896

Albarrán Campillo, Lic. Roberto : 364, 896

Albarrán Gutiérrez, Sr. Fernando : 1100




Zablah Murra, Lic. Ricardo : 1430

Zaga Galante, Sr. Mayer : 678

Zaga Mograbi, Sr. Rafael : 818

Zaga Valle, C.P. Salomón : 753

Zaidenweber Cvilich, Sr. Jacobo : 652

Zaleta Rocha, Ing. Roberto : 211

Zalzman Quintero, Sr. Gabriel : 999

Zamanillo Pérez, Ing. Ramón : 424

Zambrano Benítez, Ing. Juan Carlos : 263

Zambrano Lozano, Sr. Rogelio : 238

Zambrano Plant, Sr. Carlos : 687, 794

Zambrano Rodríguez, Sr. Francisco : 270

Zambrano Sada, Lic. Rodrigo : 393

Zambrano Treviño, Sr. Lorenzo : 1519

Zambrano Treviño, Ing. Lorenzo H. : 63, 238, 298, 482, 547, 623, 722

Zambrano Villarreal, Lic. Mauricio : 238

Zambrano Villarreal, Sr. Roberto : 238

Zamora Barrón, Dra. Socorro : 1328

Zapata Alvarado, L.A.E. Jorge : 694

Zapata Bakas, Lic. Claudio : 823

Zapata Cárdenas, Sr. Nicolás : 1299

Zapata Gil, Lic. Arturo : 1543

Zapata Guerra, Sr. Isaías : 1541

Zaragoza Moreno, Sr. Alfonso Gabriel : 74

Zárate Rocha, Ing. Luis Fernando : 482

Zarrabal Padilla, C.P. Silvia : 243

Zavala Gómez del Campo, Ing. Diego Hildebrando : 752

Zea Mir, Lic. Eduardo : 629

Zepeda Bustos, Lic. José Arturo : 1454

Zepeda Olivares, Sr. Gerardo : 794

Zepeda Payeras, Lic. Manuel : 1304

Zepeda Peña, Ing. José Luis : 1178

Zepeda Ruiz, Lic. Raúl Humberto : 655

Zinser Cieslik, Ing. Erich : 446

Zinser Cieslik, Lic. Francisco : 1061

Zlotnik Valdez, Ing. León : 139

Zubirán Shetler, Ing. Rolando : 1335

Zubiría y Maqueo, Lic. Manuel : 212

Zundelevich Kauffman, Lic. Eduardo : 1173

Zunzunegui Villegas, Sr. Jaime : 1062

Zúñiga Miralrío, Sr.Jorge : 1513